Davis Island Garden Club Wedding with Ajax - Tampa, FL


When we met with Alexia and she introduced us to her baby, Ajax, we instantly fell in love! 

Pretty hard not to with a face like that!

They wanted to include Ajax in their wedding, but knew he was a bit too crazy (he's still just a pup!) for the ceremony. We hear this a lot, actually. People tend to think our services are limited to those that want to go all out and have their dog play a big role in the wedding, as "Ring Bearer" or "Best Dog". While that is 100% of the time ADORABLE, it is definitely NOT for every dog or every wedding.

That's why we always customize our services to perfectly fit the needs of the couple and the pup.

We picked sweet Ajax up from his doggie daycare about an hour before the ceremony. You'd think he might be tired from playtime all day, but this guy still had an endless amount of energy. We arrived at Davis Island Garden Club with plenty of time for him to explore and get some energy out before a little photo shoot with Mom & Dad after their ceremony.

He was SO excited to see his parents & immediately ran up to them for some love and, of course, a big Congratulations kiss!! 


He posed like a professional model (even though Mom says she struggles sometimes to even get him to look at the camera for her!).

It was so special for this perfect family to have a private little celebration with their baby on such a big day!

Ajax was so happy to be a part of Mom & Dad's special day that he gave us a big 'THANK YOU' kiss before we headed home! We love him so much!

Professional Photos Courtesy of the amazing, Foto Bohemia!